January 1, 2018
In thinking about what I would write so as to update all my friends and followers, I wanted to publish a blog post entitled “The Myth of the Super Pastor.” After I was two pages in, I realized … Continue reading →
October 31, 2014
I remember the first time I really began to like werewolves. I was 13 years old and bought my first real “Do It Yourself” Halloween costume. It was the kind that had latex, paint, spirit glue, and lots of other … Continue reading →
August 27, 2014
I would like to apologize for not having this last blog post in this series up sooner. Unfortunately, life seems to get in the way. Since I’ve arrived back from GenCon, I’ve had church meetings to attend, ministerial alliance meetings, … Continue reading →
August 21, 2014
In the last installment about Dark Dungeons, you may have found I went into a great deal of my personal story. A few friends were shocked to find out that I burnt my D&D books even though it seems I … Continue reading →
February 18, 2014
Preacher Myth #5: “You don’t pay taxes on your income, right?” Answer: “Have you lost your frakkin’ mind? Of course I pay taxes. However, some ministers took an option often referred to as “opting out” on social security due to … Continue reading →
February 10, 2014
Recently, I’ve had a conversation with a colleague on how a minister spends their time. I’ve also had others ask me similar questions. So, how does a geekpreacher spend his week? Let’s take a look at last week and see. … Continue reading →
February 2, 2014
I recently received a message about evaluating fruitfulness in one’s ministry and this is an area I’ve thought about over the years. As I thought over it, I realized I could point to some wonderful speaking engagements over the years … Continue reading →
February 1, 2014
I recently posted this on Facebook and my wife said I should post it on my blog so here goes…. Prayers needed. Tomorrow is Sunday and I will be running over all creation today to help a friend. Plus, my … Continue reading →
November 28, 2013
What am I thankful for? I’m thankful I forgot to check the mail yesterday. I walked down to the mailbox before leaving for my mother-in- law’s house for our yearly feast and found an advance copy of The Well-Played Life … Continue reading →
November 22, 2013
Today the web is abuzz with articles about a man who died fifty years ago today. His life had a tremendous impact on society and, personally, it has touched me in a number of ways. In fact, my first published … Continue reading →