April 25, 2013
Lent is not too far behind us and we are in the midst of the Easter Season. It’s quite an interesting time because the Bishop of the Memphis Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church, Bill McAlilly, has called us … Continue reading →
February 19, 2013
I recently read a short blurb on Twitter which mentioned how important it is for religious leaders to use social media because, if you’re not online, you don’t exist to anyone under thirty. This reminded me of a discussion I … Continue reading →
October 20, 2012
What the frak is the “biblical definition of marriage?” I’m sick and tired of politicians and religious leaders ranting about this issue and make it sound as if this is the issue on which America will stand or fall. “Biblical” … Continue reading →
August 2, 2012
Just thought I’d share a bit of insight into my week. It doesn’t have all the details but some have asked me how a Geekpreacher spends his time. So far this has been an interesting week. My wife went back … Continue reading →