January 6, 2017
“Straight tribulation is easier to bear than tribulation which advertises itself as pleasure.” ― C.S. Lewis, Surprised by Joy: The Shape of My Early Life It has been many years since I’ve read Surprised by Joy and, honestly, … Continue reading →
September 4, 2013
Sorry I haven’t blogged for some time. Life has been kicking me around with the busyness of everything. Long story short? Moved to a new charge in June of this year (United Methodist speak for moving to a new church … Continue reading →
May 31, 2013
For a long time, I would feel guilty because certain things seem to come easy to me. It felt as if I was cheating because my own natural talents allowed me to do certain things faster and better than others. … Continue reading →
January 2, 2013
“When world-views collide, as they do in pluralistic societies, our hero systems are relativized and called into question. This undermines the existential armor we need to achieve a workaday equanimity in the face of death. And when facing this prospect, … Continue reading →
June 13, 2012
Okay, Chef Robert Irvine inspired the title of this blog post. Why? Because my wife and I love to watch the show Restaurant Impossible. If you’re not familiar with Restaurant Impossible, it is a show about restaurant makeovers. Chef Irvine … Continue reading →
August 29, 2011
I have really been thinking about what to write for this article and it suddenly hit me. This month will be the 10th anniversary of 9/11. Many people are telling us that ten years ago our lives as Americans were … Continue reading →
December 20, 2010
Radical Inclusivity #geek style: You threw me in a trashcan when I was a kid, you made fun of me ’cause I sucked at sports, you called me “gay” and “fag” to make me feel bad. At times, I wished … Continue reading →
October 14, 2010
I thought I would put up this link to a YouTube video I did a while back since there have been a number of questions about the topic. If you’d like to make any comments, please feel free to do … Continue reading →