Flowing with the Go
October 17, 2013
Go. Go. Go.
It’s just too hectic for most folks I know. I’m fortunate that, for the most part, I order my own schedule. I have set things that need to be done but there is a great flexibility to my life that many others do not have.
This often puts me in an awkward place because, as a pastor, it can seem frustrating when other people can’t seem to get their spiritual life on track. Of course, that’s silliness on our part and most ministers eventually realize others life schedules are often more rigid.
How do we handle it? How do guide those who seem so locked into their schedules they can find time for their own seeking of God much more the community of faith?
First, we’ve got to realize Just because our spiritual practices were done in a particular manner years ago does not mean they have to continue that way forever. Yes, I know you’ve been taught otherwise but that’s just not how life works.
If you’re a Tabletop Gamer, I’m pretty sure you play very differently than you did 20 years ago. At least I hope you do or your going to be stuck in such a rut that you’re no longer fun to play with. Hopefully you’ve been learning new strategies over the years and better ways to enjoy the game. I’m sure you’ve even had to learn to reschedule your “play time” around spouse time, kid’s time, and work time.
This is because jobs change, schedules change, homes change, and preferences and attitudes change. At one time in my life, I’d take a five minute break at work and go into the restroom and pray in a corner. (You could lock the door. That helped a lot.) It was the only place I could find to be alone. You often find you do what you can, when you can, and wherever you can to just get through the day. Gaming is the same way and the spiritual life is the same way. You find a way to make room for that which you enjoy.
For me this means after dropping my daughter off at school, I spend many mornings at Sonic. I grab a bite to eat and read my friends prayers and devotionals as they come across Facebook. It’s definitely a change from the way I prayed and read two decades ago. I’m also fortunate because it suits me.
But even this needs changing up. I can’t stay in the same pattern all the time because I tend to stagnate. I feel the need to “flow with the go.” There’s a desire in me to go and be…a desire to move and dance with the Spirit and I have learned this means I must change things up. Flow into different patterns and places so I might be able to see God’s movement in the world around me. It allows me to see Jesus in ways I’ve never seen Him before.
So, are you willing to change the manner of your spiritual practices over the years? Are you willing to let the Spirit’s wind move you into different and exciting places? These are the places where we find God making order out of what appears to be a chaotic life.
At the very least, change up your gaming style. It will make your friends much happier and bring a bit more excitement to the Table.
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