Category Archives: faith

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Osmosis and Kenosis

Recently, I have been reading quite a few books on leadership for my doctoral program. It’s been quite interesting as I have been to leadership conferences over the years as well as read a number of books and articles on … Continue reading

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Posted by The GeekPreacher at 12:30 pm

Spiritual Disciplines in the 21st Century

Recently I was at a meeting where my District Superintendent was speaking. He told all present that over the next few months he would be asking the ministers in our district about their devotional lives. Honestly, I was pleased with … Continue reading

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Posted by The GeekPreacher at 9:30 pm

Pears in a Bottle

After a recent conversation with my mentor, Leonard Sweet, I began to meditate on the idea of pears in a bottle. Many of you may have seen these videos or photos around the internet but, in case you haven’t, here … Continue reading

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Posted by The GeekPreacher at 5:31 pm

Nerd Rage

“When world-views collide, as they do in pluralistic societies, our hero systems are relativized and called into question. This undermines the existential armor we need to achieve a workaday equanimity in the face of death. And when facing this prospect, … Continue reading

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Posted by The GeekPreacher at 10:00 am

Apocalyptic Re-Beginnings

Happy New Year! This may seem a little presumptuous of me but let’s just say I’m being optimistic. It seems we have made it through another Christmas Day as well as another apocalyptic prediction that the world was going to … Continue reading

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Posted by The GeekPreacher at 8:58 pm

A Christmas Cliche…

I thought I’d post my thoughts from our recent church newsletter for those of you who might not receive it in the mail. This time of the year gets so busy! Thanksgiving services, Christmas Cantata’s, Christmas Eve communion, Christmas parties, … Continue reading

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Posted by The GeekPreacher at 7:13 pm

Jesus: A Theography (Partial Review)

I’ve wanted to post a book review for some time now but I just couldn’t bring myself to do so because I’ve felt a bit overwhelmed. However, I decided to do a partial review of Jesus: A Theography because it … Continue reading

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Posted by The GeekPreacher at 6:13 pm

Expectancy Bias: The Curse of the Church?

Let’s start off by defining Expectancy Bias: “Once we spot what we think is a trend…we involuntarily expect that trend to continue, an expectation aided and abeted by agent metaphors.” (James Geary, I Is An Other: The Secret Life of … Continue reading


Posted by The GeekPreacher at 9:01 pm

Happy Halloween!

Since our local newspaper posted my thoughts on Halloween in Saturday’s paper, I thought I’d put it on the interwebs for those of you who don’t use those “dead tree” products or if you don’t read the local paper. (By … Continue reading

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Posted by The GeekPreacher at 8:44 pm

The Sacramental Life: Reconciliation

The Sacramental Life: Part Two Mark 9:30-37; James 3:13-4:3 This is the text of the message from September 23, 2012. If you were present and heard the message, you’ll know it’s always a bit different from what I’ve written down. … Continue reading

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Posted by The GeekPreacher at 10:40 pm

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