
A Thankful, Playful Life


What am I thankful for? I’m thankful I forgot to check the mail yesterday. I walked down to the mailbox before leaving for my mother-in- law’s house for our yearly feast and found an advance copy of The Well-Played Life by my friend and mentor, Leonard Sweet.

I’m also very thankful for our yearly Annual Conference in the #UMC where Len spoke three years ago. I received a message from a mutual friend that Len needed a ride from his hotel to the conference. Since I had heard some good things about him, I decided it would be “the Christian thing” to pick him up. Right, yeah, you get a chance to meet the keynote speaker in advance. How great is that?

Since that time, Len has become a wonderful friend and mentor. I am looking forward to reviewing this book as I’ve had many of the ideas bounced off my cohort by Len. The great thing is that Len sent me this copy knowing quite a few things about me.

One, I am a gamer. I play games.

Two, I am a playful person and am sometimes not taken seriously because of it or, the inverse occurs, people sometimes take my playfulness too seriously.

Three, I don’t pull any punches. I’m not afraid to disagree with you, challenge you, and/or frustrate you.

At the end of the day, though, I will still love you and call you friend. So, I’m thankful for my friend, Leonard Sweet, who has guided, affirmed, and given me a quick kick in the rear over the past few years.

Most of all, though, I am thankful that he has told me it is quite alright to have so much fun at what I do.

Happy Thanksgiving, Len.

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