Category Archives: Bible

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The Sacramental Life: Reconciliation

The Sacramental Life: Part Two Mark 9:30-37; James 3:13-4:3 This is the text of the message from September 23, 2012. If you were present and heard the message, you’ll know it’s always a bit different from what I’ve written down. … Continue reading

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Posted by The GeekPreacher at 10:40 pm

The Sacramental Life: Taking Up the Cross

I’ve been asked in the past if I would post some of my sermon notes online. Since I’ve started a sermon series on The Sacramental Life a few weeks ago, I thought I’d post my notes so you might have … Continue reading

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Posted by The GeekPreacher at 9:42 pm

Callahan’s Cyberspace Chapel & Saloon: Part Two

In June of this year, I published Part One of what, in gamer terms, I thought would be a “one-shot” adventure. However, after talking with my friend Connie Waters she mentioned a conversation she’d had with Phyllis Tickle about CyberChurch. … Continue reading

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Posted by The GeekPreacher at 11:56 pm

Eleven After Eleven

Many people will be or have already been blogging about this “day of infamy” and I’m no different. Eleven years ago to the day I woke up with a strange song on my lips: The Ballad of the Green Beret. … Continue reading

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Posted by The GeekPreacher at 1:30 pm

Future Studies…

I spent the last week in Portland, Oregon beginning work on my Doctorate of Ministry through George Fox Evangelical Seminary. I thought, after graduating seminary last May, I would take a break so I could get down to the “nuts … Continue reading

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Posted by The GeekPreacher at 2:32 pm

My Week Thus Far….

Just thought I’d share a bit of insight into my week. It doesn’t have all the details but some have asked me how a Geekpreacher spends his time. So far this has been an interesting week. My wife went back … Continue reading

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Posted by The GeekPreacher at 5:00 am

Who is a Geek?

If you read my home page, I’ve defined geeks this way for many years “A person with a devotion to something in a way that places him or her outside the mainstream.” I still believe in this definition but I … Continue reading

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Posted by The GeekPreacher at 9:06 pm

Geeks, Christians, and Pop Culture

San Diego Comic Con has been in Geek News a great deal the last few weeks. Over the years it has become the Mecca of Geekiness for quite a few comic book nerds. (Sadly, this particular nerd has never had … Continue reading


Posted by The GeekPreacher at 9:31 pm

Old School Revival

First, I must begin with my gaming bona fides. I’ve been gaming since I was a little kid and have watched the evolution of video games from blips on a screen to a full blown cinematic event. I have seen … Continue reading

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Posted by The GeekPreacher at 10:12 pm

Callahan’s Cyberspace Chapel & Saloon

“If a customer cannot be seen, heard, felt, smelt, or dealt a hand of cards, if he casts no shadow, empties no glass, and never visits the men’s room can he really be said to be there? Even if you’re … Continue reading


Posted by The GeekPreacher at 8:48 pm

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